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Here you can check out and read the latest scoops and news along with up to date articles that we have either written in the past, what has been posted in the present and that we plan on writing in the future. Click on the button down below to check out our news articles or blogs.


Here you can check out our weekly, daily or annually episodic podcast where you can listen to our show on all of these podcast streaming platforms that we are available on on a daily basis. We cover all kinds and sorts of topics ranging from entertainment, religion, politics, sports, etc. Click on the button below to check it out.

Social Media

Here you can check out all of the social media platforms we are available on ranging from facebook to twitter, youtube and Instagram. Follow us on social media by staying up to date with our biggest headlines from our podcast as well as networks up to and including reaching out too our fanbase, audience, listeners &/or viewers ally by clicking on the button dowl below. 


Here you can watch videos we upload of our recorded or live stream podcast that will be showcased on youtube or videos that we have published on our articles/blogs that are used as references or sources that support our topic as well as claims or arguments. 


Here you can check out our daily schedule of when we air, release, broadcast, go live & record our podcast on a monthly & yearly basis by tuning in on the days & hours we are scheduled to have our show. There will be days when we post our episodes and days where we don't due to conflicting busy schedules. so stay tuned.

About Us

Here you can learn more about our podcast as well as our who are hosts are as a entrepreneurial studio and as content creators. You can also learn more on what we do as hosts and why we do this as podcasters. Our show is here to inform, educate and entertain an array of listeners on whatever topic we bring up. 

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Here you can read our blogs where we write our thoughts that are based on the articles we write or on the episodes we discuss on our podcast which is also an alternative to our daily, weekly, monthly or annual episodes on our podcast. We will be writing about things that are relevant on topics that our podcast may cover. We will also be publishing these on our articles section as well since these blogs are alternative sections for our articles. you can simply read our blogs or articles by clicking on the button below. 


Here you can check out our daily schedule of when we air, release, broadcast, go live & record our podcast on a monthly & yearly basis by tuning in on the days & hours we are scheduled to have our show. There will be days when we post our episodes and days where we don't due to conflicting busy schedules. so stay tuned.



Here you can access your accounts when you register through our website to check your membership status and get notifications of our posts and show. You can also get inside scoops on our daily sweepstakes from our website with a discount to join our club. Click below to get access or register as a member for free.

Here you can check out when we will be hosting live special events with guest hosts or special guests on our podcast. We will also be hosting some livestream Q&A's where you can ask us questions or special guests any questions they may answer that is part of our ongoing schedule. tune in and click below. 

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